Non-Property Owner Membership Options
After 50 years of operation with property ownership as a requirement for Club membership, the Beech Mountain Club is now offering a limited number of memberships to Non-Property Owners (NPO)! This means that regardless of where you reside, you no longer need to own property within the town of Beech Mountain to enjoy our amenities – including golf, tennis, pickleball, dining options, and more!
Due to the success of this option, our Board recently voted to cap our NPO memberships, with the cost of the New Member Initial Fee rising as we get closer to maintaining a waitlist. If you are interested, don’t delay! Email Member & Guest Services or call us at 828.387.4208.
NPO levels are as follows:
- Sports Membership: includes unlimited family access to everything except golf. Daily golf play is available at Sports Level member rates.
- Single Golf Membership: includes Sports Level amenities plus unlimited golf greens fees for one designated member.
- Full Golf Membership: includes Sports Level amenities plus unlimited family golf greens fees.
Download a flyer showing membership level benefits here.
If you would like more information about becoming a member, or are interested in taking a tour, please submit the contact form below.
If you are already a Club Member with a question about a Club event or activity, please contact our main office at (828) 387-4208 for assistance.
Photo credit Kristian Jackson